We are delighted to announce that Videosign has launched its new integration with intelliflo to offer an enhanced experience to advisors and their clients.
The new integration allows intelliflo users to seamlessly meet clients and securely sign and witness documents within a single software platform.
Videosign Chief Executive Steven Tallant said: “This integration with intelliflo means that advisors can offer their clients an enhanced experience when meeting remotely.
“Switching between different software systems can be disruptive and impractical during remote meetings – especially for clients who are less IT literate. This partnership offers advisors simplified workflows and improved efficiency, while clients benefit from a slicker and more user-friendly experience.”
Videosign is now widely used in the financial services and legal professions, and this latest integration aims to make it even more accessible to financial advisors. The integration with intelliflo combines video conferencing and recording, eIDAS qualified eSignatures, document management, and ID verification into a single, user-friendly, cloud-based virtual meeting room, fully integrated with client records.

The new integration with intelliflo makes all these features available to financial advisors directly within the client record, enabling them to communicate with clients face-to-face, remotely.
Once agreements/ documents are signed with Videosign eIDAS qualified digital signatures, documents are automatically synced and stored securely in the client record, saving on administration time. The point of signature is recorded, providing robust video evidence of the meeting taking place.
Videosign Head of Business Growth Nina Hinton said: “Videosign is already popular among financial advisors due to the improved experience, security and convenience it offers.
“We hope this new integration with intelliflo will give more advisors and clients the opportunity to discover the benefits of our software.”
To find out more or to book a demo of this latest integration, please click here.
The intelliflo app store can be viewed here.